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Video Script for Luis

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Video script for Luis from the page Stories of Web Users (in the 2020 Update version).

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Seq. Time Audio Visual
1 0:00 - 0:00 Hello! I am Luis. I have Down Syndrome. I love basketball! I played at my school team, and now I work at the stadium. We see Luis speaking directly to us viewers [documentary style into the camera]. We briefly see a total of Luis. [Viewers might notice aspects of his disability.]
2 0:00 - 0:00 At work, we use an app for our team. It has a calendar with all our practices and games. My job is to record the scores and stuff like that. I can also use it to chat with the coach and with the players, and we use it to exchange photos and jokes and so too [chuckles]. [New scene.] We see Luis with a tablet at a basketball court (e.g. with others playing the background or just on his own, depending on filming logistics). We then transition to Luis using the app (e.g. recording scores and statistices, get a chat message etc.).
3 0:00 - 0:00 Sometimes, I take longer to read things but this app is really easy to use. The event or name of the player is at the top, so I know where I am in the app. The calendar is also very clear. It shows the name of the month or the number of the week at the top too. Other apps we tried are too confusing – I could never tell where I am and how to get back. [Continuation from previous scene.] We see Luis using the app but now focus more on the app itself rather than on Luis and what he is doing. We see Luis looking at an event, player, and calender as the narration mentions them. [The name of the event, player, month, etc. is clear and placed prominently at the top of the page/view; the app looks neat and tidy, and Luis looks enjoyed using it.]
4 0:00 - 0:00 The biggest problem is buying tickets for games. I try to use this app for buying but sometimes I have to use other apps to get tickets. Some of these apps are too hard. When I click on something it goes somerewhere else or opens another page. Or, it doesn’t have that blue box at the top and I do not know where I am or how to get back. Sometimes, if I take too long, I have to start all over again. It’s a real pain. I wish buying tickets can be easier. [New scene.] We see Luis using a ticketing app. It looks more crammed and he is looking more focused while using the app. We see Luis find a game and select “buy ticket”, which takes him to a very differently looking form asking for billing and shipping details for the credit card purchase. Luis is looking more frustrated.
5 0:00 - 0:00 My dream is to become senior assistant. I know I can do it. Soemtimes it is hard for me to write long things but I use the spell-checker every time. It helps me when coaches use words I already know. Otherwise, it takes me even longer to find the words in the dictionary. One day I’ll make it! [New scene.] We see Luis sorting books in a library. We then transition to see Luis sitting in front of a computer at work. We see Luis reading more slowly and with some difficulty, and we see that he has an online dictionary open beside the text he is reading to lookup difficult words.
6 0:00 - 0:00 All this has one thing in common: your design can include or exclude people. [New scene.] We see Luis speaking directly to us, as in the first scene [documentary style into the camera, in the same style and continuing the first scene].
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This is an unpublished draft preview that might include content that is not yet approved. The published website is at